Exhibitor documents and registration

AERO 2025 will take place from 09 to 12 April 2025 in Friedrichshafen. Be there when the global general aviation community meets again at Lake Constance!

Exhibitor documents 2025

You can register for AERO 2025 in Friedrichshafen online by visiting the following link. Furthermore you can access all relevant information in the exhibitor brochure. We're looking forward to your participation!

Registration and exhibitor brochure for AERO 2025

Your contacts

Julian Kieninger
Project Manager Exhibitors
Tim Pfefferkorn
Project Manager Exhibitors
Kathrin Pfister
Project Manager Exhibitors
Meike Bärenweiler
Project Manager Exhibitors

Unsere Auslandsvertreter

Emmanuel Archambeaud
Sales & Project Manager France
Valentina Calabrese
Sales Manager Italy
Roberto Bizzozero
Stand Building Partner Italy


  • MULPOR Company S.R.L.
  • EventslistUSA
  • Globistictec

misleads exhibitors

In the last few months, many of our exhibitors have received mail from the company EXPO GUIDE, S.C., which is based in Mexico or from the company MULPOR Company S.R.L. (International Fairs Directory), which is based in Costa Rica.

Once again, we would like to warn you against and state explicitly that we have no contractual relationship whatsoever with EXPO GUIDE, S.C. or MULPOR Company S.R.L.The Friedrichshafen Fair either produces its catalogues itself, or places exclusive contracts for production and marketing.

AUMA information "unofficial exhibitor directories"